It features sonic analog based compositions. Rhapsody in Green Concerto for Philodendron and Pothos The album was allegedly sold at mattress stores as well as being distributed as a freebie with the purchase of plant food, however i'm not convinced that these claims are accurate and it would hardly be a viable method for exclusive distribution, however a gimmick that sounds utterly brilliant if it was so the case. Tags electronic electronic experimental instrumental moog synth Los Angeles. mort garson discography

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Mort Garson biography Morton S. While there is no mistaking as to when this album was released, it is a charming example of Moog synthesizer playing in all its myriad forms. Despite a rather Black Sabbath visual appeal, this album is more an exploratory adventure into defining the limitations of the Moog synthesizer regardless of where the music went.

Music to Soothe the Savage Snake Plant While not as far out as some of his strangest albums in terms of musical freakery, this one is probably one of the most unique of his entire career and despite never really taking off in its own right didn't go unnoticed as Stevie Wonder followed up his magnum opus "Songs In The Key Of Life" with a suspiciously similar concept album called "Stevie Wonder's Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants" which too was a progressive electronic new age journey a mere three years after the release of GARSON's tribute to plants.

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A Mellow Mood for Maidenhair Signs of the Zodiac: Rhapsody in Green Mogt one writer rhetorically asked: All vinyl copies come with seed paper download card — plant it and watch it sprout! If you like Mort Garson, you may also like: Seemingly overnight, the indoor plant business kort in full bloom and photosynthetic eukaryotes of every genus were hanging off walls, lording over bookshelves, and basking on sunny window ledges.

With Perry Botkin Jr.

Mort Garson - Wikipedia

It has a very much Broadway musical feel to it, the big differences are being the Moog synthesizer is the only instrument used, and the lyrics having anti-establishment themes.

This cut is included on all 12 LPs. Purchasable with gift card. I slept on this for ages, but glad I came around. So I used a big, symphonic sound for the blastoff, some jazzy things for the zero-G game of catch, psychedelic music for a section that uses negatives and diffuse colors on shots taken inside the ship, and a pretty melody for the moon. In the mids, a force of nature swept across the continental United States, cutting across all strata of race and class, rooting in our minds, our homes, our culture.

No, she was a separate person. The album was allegedly sold at mattress stores as well as being distributed as a freebie with the purchase of plant food, however i'm not convinced that these claims are accurate and it would hardly be a viable method for exclusive distribution, however a gimmick that sounds utterly brilliant if it was so the case. Mother Earth's Plantasia by Mort Garson. Concerto for Philodendron and Pothos The following year, he released an album titled Ataraxia: The macabre title track probably comes closest to emulating the dark arts of any track with its synthetic bells and creepy chirping that coalesces into a demented church organ sound that picks up steam and becomes a jittery piece that juggles percussive beats and swanky synthesized sounds.

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Dale s Teen. He started his career back in the 60's and was among the first to experiment the Big Moog synthesiser. Review by Progfan Prog Reviewer. With such titles as "Symphony For A Spider Plant," "Ode To An African Violet" and "Music To Soothe The Savage Snake Plant," one simply becomes mesmerized by the subtle quirky synthesizer sounds that slink and slide into light hearted compositions that turned out to be quite influential for video game soundtrack music.

mort garson discography

Really nice listen wiggly air. Lucifer and Ataraxia 7 replies Post an entries now.

mort garson discography

He then scored the action films Treasure of garsln Amazon and Vultureswhich both starred Stuart Whitman. For me, this is excellent. I don't know if you want all 12 of these LPs you can't get them on CD, as they were never reissuedbut if you're into astrology and Moog, these albums are worth trying. Available via Sacred Bones mail-order only.


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