The officers were setting up decoys in an attempt to capture the Phantom. So, in at least one way, this film really kicked off a trend of stalking psychos. Andrew Prine, who played Norman Ramsey, wrote the last fifth of the film because it had no ending. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. This film offers both sides. the town that dreaded sundown 1976

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The Town That Dreaded Sundown () - IMDb

Unlike other slashers, the film used a pseudo-documentary style and eerie atmosphere to generate fear. Sheriff Otis Barker Cindy Butler Morales and other officers meet with psychiatrist Dr.

the town that dreaded sundown 1976

In the film, "Howard Turner" and his girlfriend, "Emma Lou Cook", were found dead outside of the vehicle. As she uses the telephone to call police, the Phantom breaks through the screen door and shoots her twice in the face.

Based on a true story, the phantom killer stalks Texarkana and kills couples who hang out at lovers lanes. And while the first real serial killer film may have been "Black Christmas", this film isn't one to ignore: Mal Griffin Jim Citty I think the occupants of this parked vehicle have been abducted!

Emma Cook was shown tied to a tree with bite marks.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown - Wikipedia

PierceEarl E. View All Photos 1. Trivia Dawn Wells only worked for one and a half days. And the Legend Continues He claimed his sister, who was portrayed as "Emma Lou Cook" in the film, was depicted "as a high school dropout and a woman with loose and low morals; when in fact none of such was true.

Sujdown it a copycat or something even more sinister?

Panicked, the town sells out of guns and other home safety equipment. Armed with some nasty weapons and a pillow case for a mask, he terrorizes this town to the point of near shutdown, causing police forces from all over the state to intervene.

the town that dreaded sundown 1976

Again, this same extra can be seen after the second attack, thzt a gun store is shown. Vern Stierman as Narrator. Start your free trial. Edit Did You Know? Army fatigues, stalks a small New Jersey town bent on reliving a 35 year-old double murder by focusing on a group of college kids holding an annual Spring Dance. Share this Rating Title: Ramsey is assigned to assist Morales, and Patrolman A.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Morales, and, "Although the picture lacks a strong ending, Pierce does one of the most credible jobs of engineering the tense, horrifying murder scenes. The Town That Dreaded Sundown A sequel with the same name was released on October 16, There's objection that this whole thing will be spreading fear in the community.

Add sunsown first question.

Quotes Deputy Norman Ramsey: A film like this is rare in the Slasher genre, and only a few films have had the honor of joining this one in terms of using atmosphere and suspense to deliver the chills necessary to thrill the viewer.

Before the "Phantom-attacks", which occurred about eight months after World War IITexarkana was pleasant and citizens were preparing for a good future. However, the general outline of the murders largely follows reality, with mostly minor artistic license taken. By sreaded this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

the town that dreaded sundown 1976

I've seen plenty of based-on-real-killer films most of which are nothing like the original murdersand the recent David Fincher film "Zodiac" follows very much in the vein of this movie and Zodiac has some similarities to the Phantom.


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