The pair have a knack for attracting trouble which drives the local priest Father Bob McGuire to the point of despair. The pair have a knack for attracting trouble which drives the local priest Father Bob McGuire to the point of despair. Another is hearing the classic Australian food, the Chiko Roll , being explained to a Londoner. Views Read Edit View history. The fact he attracts the affection of thousands and the hatred of tens of thousands is just how it is for the man who guides the Collingwood Cheer Squad. While Collingwood supporters provide uniformly positive reviews, non-Collingwood fans have been less than thrilled. Terry Brown, Herald Sun, 5 June joffa the movie

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joffa the movie

Terry Brown, Herald Sun, 5 June Producer-director Chris Liontos started out by wondering why nobody was making films about Aussie Rules football. You May Th Enjoy.

joffa the movie

The Movie 5. The fact he attracts the affection of thousands and the hatred of tens of thousands is just how it is for the man who guides the Collingwood Cheer Squad. The Pursuit of Happyness The pair have a knack for attracting trouble which drives the fhe The film has received a mixed reception to date.

Joffa: The Movie () - Plot Summary - IMDb

This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. Your Shopping Cart is Empty Add items from around the store. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. The film portrays Joffa; an ordinary man. Add items from around the store. The overseas segments were filmed on the cheap, with the crew living in backpacker bunkrooms, eating baked beans and dodging crack addicts.

Joffa said that the ordinary people who inhabit his real world "give the movie its heart. Retrieved 10 September You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.

Joffa The Movie

Search for " Joffa: Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet!

For such " an ultra-low budget movie to get a national cinema release - this has never happened before ," Liontos said. The fact he attracts the affection of thousands and the hatred of tens of thousands is just how it is for the man who guides the Collingwood Cheer Squad.

The pair have a knack for attracting trouble which drives the local priest Father Bob McGuire to the point of despair. What can hoffa add to this refreshingly honest appraisal?

Joffa - The Movie (DVD, 2010)

Retrieved from " https: Although best known as an active supporter of Australian Rules football, Joffa takes a passionate interest in the Scottish Premier League soccer club Celtic F. The pair have a knack for attracting trouble which joffaa the local priest Father Bob McGuire to the point of despair.

joffa the movie

Added to your cart. The Movie is a [1] independent Australian buddy movie starring Australian sports fan, Joffa Corfe.

The Australian Council on Children and the Media said that the main messages from this movie are: So much so, that he included a pilgrimage to Celtic Park tne, Glasgow in the movie. Professional reviewer Leigh Paatsch [7] said that "With his tatty jacket of gold, albino mullet hairdo and a face made for keeping birds move crops, the infamous general of the Collingwood cheer squad was never going to be your typical movie star. The Movie are not.

Joffa The Movie - Beat Magazine

Unquestionably Australia's best known sports fan Joffa is loved and loathed in equal measure - a 'celebrity' just for being a sports fan. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.

This page was last edited on 23 Septemberat


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